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Natural And Artificial Flavoring

Natural And Artifical Flavoring

From time to time we are asked to define what is meant by the terms Natural And Artificial flavoring used in Equine Challenge Horse Supplements.

Grains Commonly Fed To Horses

Grains Fed To Horses, Oats, barley, wheat, corn, Not All Grains Are Meant For Horses

Differences in nutritional value and physical characteristics should be considered when formulating diets. Not all grains are meant for horses.

Is It Colic Or A False Alarm?

Is It Colic Or A False Alarm? Colic In Horses

Is It Colic Or A False Alarm? Sometimes you just can’t tell. Sometimes it’s a mild colic that doesn’t require a Vet even seeing the horse. Sometimes it’s as obvious as can be that something is wrong and a Vet needs to be called immediately.