Horse Trailering Tips Too Hot To Trailer Or Ride
Horse Trailering Tips Too Hot To Trailer Or Ride “How Hot Is Too Hot To Ride?” Temperature + Humidity Level = 130 or higher…BEWARE! Horses get hotter much faster than you and I. They are more susceptible to the effects of heat stress. It takes approx. 17 minutes of moderate intensity exercise in hot, humid weather […]
How To Prepare For Vacation And Leave Your Horse Safely Behind
Summer is almost here. That means you may need to know How To Prepare For Vacation And Leave Your Horse Safely Behind as you are making your plans for summer vacation! Many horse owners start to feel anxious at the thought of leaving on vacation and leaving their most prized possession, their horse, in the […]
Most Common Horse Worms And Parasites
In this article we will cover some of the Most Common Horse Worms And Parasites and the dangers that come with them. How does a horse get worms/parasites? Horse flies, house flies, bot flies all transmit disease. Horses can get worms when turned out with infected horses or when they are turned out in a […]
Is It Colic Or A False Alarm?
Is It Colic Or A False Alarm? Colic In Horses. Sometimes you just can’t tell. Sometimes it’s a mild colic that doesn’t require a Vet even seeing the horse. Sometimes it’s as obvious as can be that something is wrong and a Vet needs to be called immediately. Sometimes the signs are so mild that […]
How Nutrition Effects Horse Hoof Health
How Nutrition Effects Horse Hoof Health Healthy hooves start with synergistically sound nutrition, proper hoof mechanics, proper environment, plenty of movement and the steadfast proper Equine Stewardship. How nutrition effects horse hoof health? Far too many times with the best of intention we work against the best interest of our horses. We buy a “Hoof […]
What is Equine Insulin Resistance
What Is Equine Insulin Resistance It was thought 30 years ago that horses were immune to the affects of IR or Diabetes. Horses are alleged to have been on planet Earth for 4 million years. So why in such a relatively short period of time are horses so dramatically compromised by diabetes? What is Equine […]
Soy In Horse Feeds The Silent Antinutrient
Soy In Horse Feeds The Silent Antinutrient. Check those feed tag labels! Many horses are allergic to the soy that is in the horse feeds today. The horse’s body can only absorb a limited amount of iron from foods and supplements. It is easier for a body to absorb a higher percentage of heme iron […]
Treating Sweet Itch In Horses
Let’s talk abut Treating Sweet Itch In Horses. Sweet itch (also known as summer itch or seasonal dermatitis) is believed to be an allergic reaction to the saliva of certain biting flies and the female culicodes midge, which can cause severe skin irritation. Sweet Itch symptoms include intense itching (you may see the affected horse spending […]
Why Does My Horse Eat Manure
Why Does My Horse Eat Manure A common question from customers is “Why Does My Horse Eat Manure”. Most people think that their horse is lacking something in its diet. The truth is many horses begin to eat manure for several reasons to include stress, boredom, nervousness, lacking roughage in the diet or an imbalance […]