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How Nutrition Effects Horse Hoof Health

How Nutrition Effects Horse Hoof Health

How Nutrition Effects Horse Hoof Health Healthy hooves start with synergistically sound nutrition, proper hoof mechanics, proper environment, plenty of movement and the steadfast proper Equine Stewardship.  How nutrition effects horse hoof health?   Far too many times with the best of intention we work against the best interest of our horses.  We buy a “Hoof […]

Why Does My Horse Eat Manure

Why does my horse eat manure

Why Does My Horse Eat Manure A common question from customers is “Why Does My Horse Eat Manure”.  Most people think that their horse is lacking something in its diet.  The truth is many horses begin to eat manure for several reasons to include stress, boredom, nervousness, lacking roughage in the diet or an imbalance […]