Fall Transition And Chronic Horse Colic Tips
Fall Transition and Chronic Horse Colic Tips. Fall is just about here but in some areas the weather is still HOT! That being said, many horses will colic or find themselves in a Pre-colic situation with the Fall Transition upon us, especially horses prone to “chronic colic.” Prevention…Colic can be caused by many different factors. During […]
The Difference Between Horse Wormers
The Difference Between Horse Wormers. Not all wormers are the same. Do you know which is the best choice for your horse? Different wormers target different worms and parasites. An easy and inexpensive way to find out if your horse is infested is to get a sample of your horses manure. Your Vet will run […]
The Importance Of Salt In A Horse’s Diet And Is My Horse Tying Up
The Importance Of Salt In A Horse’s Diet And Is My Horse Tying Up? We all know that salt is important to our horses diet, right? If you are new to horse ownership you might not know yet. It is crucial that you learn about the health risks involved when a horse isn’t receiving enough […]
Natural And Artificial Flavoring
From time to time we are asked to define what is meant by the terms Natural And Artificial flavoring used in Equine Challenge Horse Supplements. Natural And Artificial Flavoring Natural flavoring is the flavor that exists in the item naturally. For instance, flax has a taste, carrots and whole oats have a taste. A natural […]
Creating The Correct Diet For Your Horse
Creating The Correct Diet For Your Horse Horses by nature are grazing animals. Because their stomach empties approximately every 3-4 hours, they eat many times throughout the day. A horse’s natural diet is mainly grass, which is high in roughage. We should strive to keep our domesticated horses diets as close to what they […]
Hay Types and Varieties, Which Hay Is Best For Your Horse?
Hay types and varieties, which hay is best for your horse. Types and availability vary depending on region, and hays are representative of the climate in which they were grown. Grass hay types are divided into two categories based on where they are grown, cool or warm season. Cool season grasses include orchard, tall fescue, […]
Stewardship or Horsemanship?
Many horse owners/riders strive to be the best horseman/horsewoman they can be. When they describe their goals in their involvement with horses, it can revolve around what they look like on a saddle, or how many buckles, saddles, trailers or money they have or can win. Sadly, I rarely hear what they are wanting to […]
How To Build Strong, Healthy Horse Hooves
How To Build Strong, Healthy Horse Hooves. With as much information on the nutritional building blocks of good hoof production and the great number of horses suffering from poor hoof growth, something is wrong. I believe in No Horse No Hoof and I will give you some information on how to build strong, healthy horse […]
Which Mineral Types Are Easily Absorbed In The Horses System?
Which mineral types are easily absorbed in the horses system? Do horses need minerals? The simple and complete answer is yes, all God’s creatures need minerals, vitamins and trace minerals in order to sustain life and to prosper as a well being as opposed to a healthy being. Many people think that well and healthy […]