Natural And Artificial Flavoring

From time to time we are asked to define what is meant by the terms Natural And Artificial flavoring used in Equine Challenge Horse Supplements.
Creating The Correct Diet For Your Horse

Horses by nature are grazing animals. Because their stomach empties approximately every 3-4 hours, they eat many times throughout the day.
Hay Types and Varieties, Which Hay Is Best For Your Horse?

Hay types and varieties, which hay is best for your horse. Types and availability vary depending on region, and hays are representative of the climate in which they were grown.
Stewardship or Horsemanship?

Horsemanship or stewardship? Which do you strive for?
Most Common Horse Worms And Parasites

In this article we will cover some of the Most Common Horse Worms And Parasites and the dangers that come with them.
Is It Colic Or A False Alarm?

Is It Colic Or A False Alarm? Sometimes you just can’t tell. Sometimes it’s a mild colic that doesn’t require a Vet even seeing the horse. Sometimes it’s as obvious as can be that something is wrong and a Vet needs to be called immediately.
How To Build Strong, Healthy Horse Hooves

I believe in No Horse No Hoof and I will give you some information on how to build strong, healthy horse hooves.
Soy In Horse Feeds The Silent Antinutrient

Soy In Horse Feeds The Silent Antinutrient. Check those feed tag labels! Many horses are allergic to the soy that is in the horse feeds today.
Winterizing The Hard Keeper Horse

The cold winter months are upon us. As the temperature dips, you may find that your horse has more difficulty keeping weight on. If this sounds like your horse, here are some tips on how you can help them stay warm during these frigid winter days and nights!