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Fall Transition And Chronic Horse Colic Tips

Fall Transition And Chronic Horse Colic Tips

Fall Transition and Chronic Horse Colic Tips.  Fall is just about here but in some areas the weather is still HOT! That being said, many horses will colic or find themselves in a Pre-colic situation with the Fall Transition upon us, especially horses prone to “chronic colic.” Prevention…Colic can be caused by many different factors.  During […]

The Difference Between Horse Wormers

Most Common Horse Worms and Parasites

The Difference Between Horse Wormers.  Not all wormers are the same.  Do you know which is the best choice for your horse?  Different wormers target different worms and parasites. An easy and inexpensive way to find out if your horse is infested is to get a sample of your horses manure. Your Vet will run […]

Most Common Horse Worms And Parasites

Most Common Horse Worms and Parasites

In this article we will cover some of the Most Common Horse Worms And Parasites and the dangers that come with them. How does a horse get worms/parasites? Horse flies, house flies, bot flies all transmit disease. Horses can get worms when turned out with infected horses or when they are turned out in a […]